Sherie’s Fibronet provides “ Fiber to the home”(FTTH) that means faster downloads, less buffering, and an ultra-reliable internet connection for all the devices in your home or office . FTTH as a technology, enables the optical fiber to perform as a neutral-cum-independent network to carry multiple services to enhance & ensure higher level of subscriber satisfaction. More than 1000’s of homes are already connected to our cutting edge fiber network. Enjoy faster service. Connect now.


Sherie’s fibronet Internet is a leading Internet Service Provider. We specialize in providing ultra-fast, ultra-reliable High-Speed Broadband Internet to Residential, Small Business and Enterprises. We have the expertise needed to build and maintain carrier-grade networks to deliver the best services of any provider. Sherie’s fibronet Internet builds, maintains and controls 100% of our network, with absolutely zero reliance on "the telephone company" or any other third party providers.

Since our network is 100% fiber network run directly to your home, it’s the only one that delivers consistently fast speeds, 24/7, with no connection sharing and no slowdowns — whether you’re downloading or uploading.

Here at Sherie’s fibronet Internet, we are able to provide our customers with symmetrical internet speeds of up to 1 Gbps per second.
BENEFITS | Bandwidth upto 1Gbps | Symmetrical connection | Secure transmission | Reliability


1. Bandwidth upto 1Gbps: Optical Fiber really have almost no limits how fast and how much information can be sent through it.

2. Symmetrical connection: The term “symmetrical” means that the download and upload speeds are the same.

3. Secure transmission: fiber-optic internet is touted as a cost effective way of instantly increasing your Internet security.

4. Reliability: The fiber is amazingly reliable. Nothing hurts it except a physical cut.

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Get In Touch

  • Address

    #13, 9th Cross, New Bank Colony, Chunchgatta Main Road, Konanakunte, Bangalore - 560062

  • Phone

    080 41488850

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